If you have symptoms of prolapse, you’re far from being alone. Prolapse is common, affecting more than 50% of women who’ve had a baby.
Prolapse can significantly affect your daily activities and quality of life. Unfortunately, it’s often considered to be an acceptable part of motherhood or getting older. As a result, many women suffer in silence, either feeling scared to seek help or unaware that effective treatment is available.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way, with various treatment options open to you. The place to start is a visit to your GP, who probably sees many women with prolapse. You can feel confident that they’ll understand your concerns and help you find treatment tailored to your symptoms and preferences.
Dr Nevine te West, Gynaecologist at Northern Beaches Hospitals explains what prolapse is, the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options available.
About prolapse
A prolapse can occur when your pelvic floor muscles are not strong enough to fully support the organs in your pelvis (your bladder, uterus, and bowel). Without enough support, these organs can bulge (or prolapse) into the vagina.
Prolapse symptoms
Prolapse can cause symptoms including:
- a heavy or dragging sensation in the vagina
- a bulge in the vagina or a lump bulging out of it
- weak urine stream or difficulty emptying the balder completely
- recurrent urinary tract infections
- trouble emptying the bowel
- sexual problems.
Prolapse diagnosis
Your doctor will do an examination to see if you have a prolapse. They might refer you for tests to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms. A pelvic ultrasound is helpful to find things such as ovarian cysts, and to see if any urine is left behind after you empty your bladder.
Prolapse treatment options
Treatment options depend on the degree of prolapse and your personal preferences.
Lifestyle changes
There are several things you can do to help ease prolapse symptoms. These include:
- getting support to lose weight if you are above a healthy weight
- managing constipation or a chronic cough
- avoiding heavy lifting.
Conservative treatment for prolapse
Pelvic floor physiotherapy has been proven to improve symptoms of mild to moderate prolapse. Vaginal pessaries may be a good option if the prolapse is moderate to severe and surgery isn’t suitable or you’d prefer not to have it. Pessaries fit into the vagina and provide support to the tissues affected by prolapse.
Urogynaecologists stock many different types of pessaries. If one type doesn’t work, you might have better success with one of the other options.
Treatment with topical oestrogen often eases discomfort and can make the tissues healthier. This can be helpful if you’re using pessaries or preparing for surgery.
Surgical treatment for prolapse
Surgery may be considered if non-surgical treatments haven’t been successful. Depending on the type of prolapse, a range of different surgeries may be available to you. Your doctor will talk to you about your options.
Northern Beaches Hospital’s Gynaecology Clinic provides specialist diagnosis and management of a wide range of gynaecological conditions, including prolapse.
Dr Nevine te West
Gynaecology, Urogynaecology & Public Obstetrics
Dr te West works in the area of pelvic floor disorders, including prolapse, urinary incontinence, childbirth injuries, vaginal mesh removal, laparoscopic urogynae surgery and general gynaecological problems. She offers vaginal and minimal-access surgical techniques where appropriate.
Dr te West brings a wealth of international experience to Northern Beaches Hospital, having completed her training in the Netherlands, UK and Sydney. Taking a holistic approach, Dr te West is strongly focused on developing a treatment plan to support the needs of each person under her care.
To arrange an appointment with Dr Nevine te West, please contact:
Northern Beaches Hospital
Suite 4, Level 6
105 Frenchs Forest Road West
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
P 02 9999 2977
F 02 9475 5003
E info@drnevinetewest.com
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