Patient Admission Guide





For questions, complaints, compliments and feedback call us on (02) 9105 5000 or email

Surgical patients will receive an SMS (text message) containing admission and fasting times (where applicable) the business day prior to admission. If you do not have a mobile phone number or have opted out of this service, you will receive a phone call from our team.

On your admission day, please go to the Bookings and Admission Centre on the ground floor to the left of the concierge desk.

Following your admission, you will be transferred to the Day of Surgery Centre if you are having surgery or a procedure. If you are not having a procedure or surgery you will be transferred to a ward.

If you are having day surgery/procedure, you will return to the Day of Surgery Centre and if you are staying with us overnight or for a few days after your operation you will be transferred to your ward after your surgery/procedure. You may be admitted to the hospital on the day prior to surgery if your doctor believes this is required.

Medical or surgical procedures, operations and some treatment (such as blood transfusion) cannot be performed without patient consent or the consent of a legal guardian. Consent may be implied, verbal or written, depending on the circumstance. Written consent is gained by your specialist (or their team, such as a registrar), which can happen prior to or during admission. You will always be provided with the information needed to make an informed decision about your treatment options. If you have questions at any time about your treatment, please do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor, nurse or allied health professional.

Informed financial consent for private patients is an important responsibility for hospitals and people providing healthcare services. Northern Beaches Hospital will provide as much information as possible to gain informed financial consent from applicable patients.

As the level of benefits offered by private health funds vary according to your health fund contract and duration of membership, it remains your responsibility to check with your health fund concerning exact benefits and gaps.

An estimate of surgeon and anaesthetist fees should be provided by your doctor's office prior to booking with the hospital.

Medicare does not cover any private hospital charges but may cover you for a percentage of your doctor's fees, depending on your private health insurance and the fees charged by your doctor.

Your health fund might reimburse you for all or part of the gap payment (difference between what Medicare pays and what your doctor charges you). You should discuss these charges with your doctor and your health fund.

You may also receive separate accounts for the following:

  • Surgeon / Assisting Surgeon / Anaesthetist
  • Physician (non-surgical stay or medical consultation)
  • Medical imaging (radiology)
  • Intensive Care Specialist (if you required a stay in the Intensive or Critical Care Unit)
  • Pathology (if any tests such as blood tests or biopsies were required)
  • Paying your bill/health funds (for private patients).

Insured patients / those with private health insurance

Healthscope has agreements with the majority of private health funds to cover the hospital charges for your admission. Depending on your level of cover, some policies require you to pay an excess or co-payment and you will be asked to pay this prior to, or on admission. In addition, health fund policies require members to serve waiting periods before they will provide cover, and some levels of cover have excluded services. Pre-existing ailment rules may also apply and your cover may be subject to these rules. We strongly recommend that you contact your private health fund to confirm your cover prior to your admission.

Your account for hospitalisation will include your accommodation and theatre fees and other chargeable items in accordance with Healthscope's current fee agreement with your health fund. You will be asked to complete and sign a health insurance claim form on admission. We will submit your claim directly to your health fund on your behalf. It is important that you know that in the event your health fund rejects your claim for reimbursement for any reason, the hospital will seek to recover any amounts outstanding from you. This is why it is important that you check your level of cover with your health fund prior to admission.

Self funded / those without private health fund cover

If you are a self funded patient, (you choose to be a private patient, but you don't have health fund cover and will pay for your hospital care) you will be required to pay the estimated total cost on or before admission. You will be required to pay any positive difference in your account on discharge. If the amount paid by you was in excess of the amount required to cover the cost of your care, you will receive a refund from the hospital. Estimated hospital costs will be provided prior to your admission for the hospital component of your stay. We endeavour at all times to provide an accurate estimate, but unforeseen circumstances can occur and additional costs may be incurred.

WorkCover, WorkSafe and third party insurance

If your admission is as a result of a Workcover, Worksafe, Third Party or Public Liability claim, the hospital will require prior approval for your admission from the relevant insurance company. Your admission cannot be confirmed or proceed until this approval is received, unless it is a life threatening condition. Any claims that have not been approved by the insurance company will be treated as a self funded admission and the estimated hospital costs will be payable by you.

Payment methods prior to or on admission

The hospital accepts cash, bank cheques, money orders, EFTPOS, Visa and MasterCard for any amounts payable. A credit card surcharge of 1% applies for VISA and MasterCard. Personal cheques are not accepted. If choosing to pay by EFTPOS, please note that most financial institutions have a daily limit of $1,000.

If you are having a surgical procedure you will meet your Anaesthetist prior to your procedure. Your doctor will advise you of the arrangements.

Dress sensibly, be comfortable. No high heels, make-up, nail polish or artificial nails. Depending on the procedure, cotton only briefs may be worn. Day patients will not need sleeping attire but you may like to bring your own dressing gown. Please wash/shower prior to your admission. Some patients may be asked to use a surgical wash. Do not apply talcum powder, deodorant, make-up or moisturisers following the shower.

Prior to your procedure do not eat, drink, chew gum or smoke as per the doctor's or the hospital's instructions. If you do not follow these instructions it is very likely your procedure will be cancelled.

We ask that private patients bring to the hospital all medications, including complimentary therapies, you are currently taking, in the original dispensed packaging and repeat authority/prescriptions and give these to the nursing staff on admission.

It is very helpful if you can bring a typed list of current medications from your GP.

Knowing what medications you are taking is important information to provide your care.

Your medication will be given to you by the nursing staff as ordered by your doctor unless they have advised the nursing staff that you can self-medicate.

Any unused medication will be returned to you on discharge. Ask your doctor if you should take your regular medication on the morning of surgery or cease any of your medications any earlier prior to surgery.

In the interest of safety, please do not keep any medication (even Panadol) in your locker or on your person.

Taking medications that should not be taken after surgery can have serious consequences.

As a parent or carer, we would encourage you to remain with your child during their stay in hospital.

Copies of imaging (radiology), such as x-rays remain your property and are to be taken home on discharge. The hospital does not keep x-ray films, scans and does not accept responsibility for these following a patient's discharge.

Patients must have a responsible adult accompany them home and stay with them overnight after discharge. We will be able to advise you at the time of admission the approximate time that you will be ready for discharge/ready to leave hospital.

We will text message or phone your friend or relative shortly before you are ready to be picked up.

  • Pensioner concession card
  • Pharmaceutical safety net card
  • Health fund membership card
  • Family prescription record card
  • Veteran's Affairs card
  • Medicare card
  • Worker's Compensation Claims agent details & approval letter
  • Third party/accident details
  • All medication currently being taken, in the original packaging
  • A list of all current medications from your GP (preferably typed)
  • All medication repeat prescriptions
  • All relevant x-rays / scans
  • Notes / letters / reports from your Doctor
  • Sleep / night attire / dressing gown (if overnight)
  • Slippers (non slip)
  • Toiletries (if overnight)
  • Reading material
  • Spectacles and case
  • Pen and notepaper
  • Small amount of cash
  • Credit card
  • Mobility / walking aid
  • CPAP
  • Drive
  • Use any dangerous machinery and tools
  • Sign any legal documents
  • Drink alcohol
  • Activities which requires coordination and/or a high level of alertness.
  • Day surgery patients should not be on their own for the first 24 hours post surgery.

Your doctor will advise if the timeframe varies for any of the above activities.

Healthscope hospitals are part of The Commonwealth Government's My Health Record system, which is a secure online summary of your health information. You can control what goes into it and who is allowed to access it. It may contain personal information such as your current medications, immunisations, allergies, adverse reactions, advanced care directive and emergency contact details.

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