Birthing suites

You’ll discover that your suite is a clever blend of expert medical care and comfort, complete with ensuite bathroom, television, wifi, speakers and aromatherapy. There’s a range of active birth accessories to choose from, including birthing balls and support rails as well as fetal monitoring equipment in the room and an adjustable birthing bed so you experience your optimum birthing experience.

Water births

Our birthing suites also include large, comfortable birthing baths, should you choose to have a water birth.  Women labouring in water report feeling more in control, with less painful contractions.  They may also be less likely to need epidurals for pain management or drugs to speed up their labour.  Call us on 9105 6015 if you have any questions.  If you book a tour, we can show you the birthing suite and our luxurious baths, just email 

Beautiful accommodation

Our private mums are guaranteed a private room with ensuite and they are truly stunning rooms. Thanks to our smart design and acoustics, our environment is a comfortable, calm place for mums and families to enjoy those precious early days with baby.

The support of your partner is so important, so they can stay overnight with you.

Special Care Nursery

Our Special Care Nursery provides specialised care for premature and sick babies and is immediately next to the maternity ward.

Our Assistance

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