Visitors Information
Two visitors at a time are now permitted to general wards. Visiting must be strictly within visiting hours (10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm).
Visits outside of these hours must be authorised by the unit manager and are only permitted in exceptional circumstances. Hours also vary for Level 3 patients. Speak with the ward.
NOTE: No visitors are permitted to patients who are COVID-19 positive except under compassionate grounds (eg end of life). Speak to the Nurse Unit Manager.
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Northern Beaches Hospital is at: 105 Frenchs Forest Road (West) Frenchs Forest NSW 2086.
In addition to traditional signage within the hospital, we also have way finding machines on the ground floor to assist with navigation around the hospital.
Visiting Hours (see top of page)
Visitors of Northern Beaches Hospital are requested to:
- Be courteous and considerate to other patients, visitors and staff - aggressive or violent behaviour towards staff, other patients or visitors will not be tolerated
- Observe the No Smoking or Vaping rule of the hospital - do not smoke or vape on hospital grounds
- No more than two people at a time (unless permission is granted)
- Overnight stays for visitors are not permitted except if the patient is terminally ill, a minor, non-English speaking, suffering from dementia, the partner of a private maternity patient, or otherwise at the discretion of the hospital
- Keep noise to a minimum
- Ensure children are supervised at all times
- Avoid the use of mobile phones and if necessary, keep on 'silent' mode.
- No photography or filming of our staff or other visitors without written permission. Consent forms are available from nbh.comms@healthscope.com.au
Wi-Fi is available throughout the hospital, including patient rooms and public areas.
Wi-Fi is available throughout the hospital, including patient rooms and public areas.
- Ensure Wi-Fi is enabled on your device and select the Healthscope-Wifi network. (usually the 4th option on the list. Do not select the first networks)
- Click Join
- Select agree to conditions and join wifi.
Please ask staff if you have issues with connecting. They will have instructions to help you on our intranet. (Troubleshooting Guide coming soon)
Electrical Appliances
Small electrical appliances, such as shavers and hairdryers, may be used in the hospital. However, it is necessary to have these items checked and tagged as electrically safe by a qualified electrician prior to your admission, so please advise nursing staff if you wish to use appliances that have not been checked. Faulty equipment may interfere with the use of vital medical equipment. We do not accept responsibility for damage to, or personal injury from, electrical items bought into the hospital.
Flowers and balloons delivered for patients will be sent to the patient's room when permitted. Due to infection control precautions, live flowers are not permitted in Intensive Care.
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