Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive form of brain stimulation that can be used to treat depression and other psychiatric disorders. In treating depression, TMS may be used when patients have not responded to antidepressant medications, have unacceptable side effects to medications or would prefer to try another treatment option. This treatment can be provided either on inpatient or outpatient basis.
TMS has been extensively studied for over 20 years with a large number of clinical trials confirming that it is an effective treatment.
How does TMS treatment work?
TMS uses magnetic fields generated from an electrical coil which is placed over the scalp to activate specific areas of the brain. Over repeated sessions the changes in brain activity are thought to correct abnormal brain functioning associated with depression.
Each treatment session takes approximately 20 minutes and consists of 20 to 30 sessions over a number of weeks. You will be sitting in a comfortable chair completely awake and alert. TMS treatment is generally very well tolerated and appears to be free of major side-effects.
Who is suitable for TMS therapy?
Patients who are suitable for TMS will typically have continued symptoms of depression despite having tried two or more antidepressant medications. There are a few factors that may make a patient not suitable for TMS, having a history of epilepsy or seizures, being pregnant, or under 18 years of age.
Fees, charges and health insurance
Northern Beaches Hospital has contractual arrangements with most major health funds and regulators of compensation which include The Department of Veterans Affairs, WorkSafe and Transport Accident Commission. Our staff will confirm health insurance entitlements and advise patients and their families, where possible prior to admission, of any out of pocket expenses. Patients who are not privately insured should speak with our staff who will advise them of the fees.
Referral process
To be assessed for suitability for TMS treatment, please fax your referral letter to 02 9105 5168.
For further information please contact our mental health intake clinician on:
P 02 9105 5340
E NBHmentalhealthbookings@healthscope.com.au